Corporate Branding Forum Blog

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Kritiske forbrugere udfordrer corporate branding

Teorier om branding – og ikke mindst corporate branding – er i fortsat udvikling. Ikke mindst udviklingen af nye medier, og nye kommunikations-, service- og produktionsformer har forandret virksomheders muligheder for at udvikle og vedligeholde deres virksomhedsbrand. Nogle kalder den nye orden for interessentkapitalisme og de nye brandingmetoder for netværksbranding. Det paradigme kunne jeg godt have ønsket stod stærkere i oplægene fra Simon Torp, SDU, og Christian Bjerring, TrygVesta, om branding i netværkssamfundet.

De to bud på branding var ikke uinteressante. Simon Torps indlæg havde mest højde med bud på de udfordringer, som virksomheder står overfor lige nu. Overordnet handler udfordringerne om, at vi lever i et samfund med støj og overkommunikation, mediebilledet er fragmenteret, reklameeffekter er dalende og målgrupper er svære at segmentere og forstå.

Det betyder, at virksomheder ikke i samme grad kan kommunikere med udgangspunkt i en afsenderfokuseret unik position, men i stedet må agere og kommunikere i forhold til en skiftende, krævende og ofte involverende interessentgruppe. Modtagerne er, som Simon Torp definerede det, ukontrollable, kloge, kritiske, kreative og kollektive. Vejen frem for virksomhederne er derfor også at indgå i netværk som åbne facilitatorer for en kommunikation, der ikke er defineret og forsøgt styret på forhånd.

Christian Bjerring startede med at fortælle, at vi i gang med at opleve ”en innovativ ikke-synkron global revolution”, og den teknologiske udvikling er vidt forskellig fra land til land verden over. Det betyder, at virksomheder har svært ved at satse på bestemte kommunikationsformer og teknologier. I Danmark er det måske Tekst TV og SMS, der er førende, amerikanerne kan ikke undvære deres Black berry, mens kineserne er storbrugerne af 3G mobiltelefoner.

Samtidig gjorde Bjerring det også klart, at forbrugerne er kritiske, og at demokratiseringen af information og videndeling gør det umuligt for virksomheder at brande sig som noget, de ikke er. Virksomhederne må ud af katedralerne og kommunikere engageret, åbent og på lige fod med interessenterne. Med de pointer leveret handlede resten af indlægget dog primært om viral marketing i form af virksomheds-promoverende YouTube videoer. Det var vel knap så ny viden – og eksemplerne ikke alle af ny skuffe.

Etiketter: , , , , ,


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9:49 AM  
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2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

When you take antibiotics, follow the directions carefully. The pills may be really dangerous.
[url=] Vaginal infections are easily treated with our super effective European antibiotics. Try out! [/url]
[url=] Be sure that your doctor is aware about all the subtleties of your disease when giving antibiotics. [/url]
[url=] If your doctor does prescribe an antibiotic for you, make sure you take all of the medicine. [/url]

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Antibiotics are strong medicines used for treating infections, including contagious diseases.
[url=] What antibiotic will you choose if you face the necessity to treat a bacterial infection? [/url]
[url=] Some antibiotics are powerful enough to treat some dangerous and life-threatening diseases. [/url]
[url=] It is always better to prevent some bacterial infection that to treat it with strong antibiotics. [/url]

3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight bacteria. Used properly, they can save lives.
[url=] Antibiotics are useful in a variety of infections, but don’t forget, bacterial infections only. [/url]
[url=] If you experience any allergic reactions when taking a course of antibiotics, stop immediately. [/url]
[url=] Nowadays there are many broad-spectrum antibiotics used for treatment of different diseases. [/url]

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Many vaginal infections are caused by bacteria. And in this case you'd better have some drugs!
[url=] Do not take antibiotics for viral illnesses, such as for colds or the flu. They fight only bacteria. [/url]
[url=] It is absolutely unbearable to see how your dear people suffer and know that you can’t help! [/url]
[url=] We have all the information you need to know about antibiotics and the effect they produce! [/url]

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

We have all the information you need to know about antibiotics and the effect they produce!
[url=] Are you sure the medication you take brings only good to your body? Consult your doctor! [/url]
[url=] Antibiotic-resistant germs may form when you take antibiotics without any necessity. [/url]
[url=] If you have bronchitis, antibiotics won’t make a good choice! Try consulting your doctor! [/url]

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed pills and drugs in modern medicine.
[url=] Sometimes, antibiotics can cause more harm than good when they aren't used the right way. [/url]
[url=] Many people die every month because of wrong usage of antibiotics or their side effects! [/url]
[url=] Pneumonia is another really dangerous disease that antibiotics can treat without difficulty. [/url]

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Antibiotic-resistant germs may form when you take antibiotics without any necessity.
[url=] Don’t forget, bacteria become resistant more quickly when antibiotics are used too often. [/url]
[url=] Viruses cause colds, the flu and most coughs and sore throats. And antibiotics are useless here. [/url]
[url=] Do not take antibiotics for viral illnesses, such as for colds or the flu. They fight only bacteria. [/url]

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Only after reading this I understood how I should use antibiotics and why they can be harmful.
[url=] My grandfather used to take antibiotics every time he felt unwell. Actually he’s dead now… [/url]
[url=] Our superior antibiotics will help you avoid any possible complications after a surgery! [/url]
[url=] A friend of mine died because of wrong treatment. I wish he knew about this antibiotic… [/url]

4:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

The penicillins are the oldest class of antibiotics, they are widely used in modern medicine.
[url=] We have all the information you need to know about antibiotics and the effect they produce! [/url]
[url=] Only after reading this I understood how I should use antibiotics and why they can be harmful. [/url]
[url=] Never take antibiotics without a prescription. Your doctor should control you taking antibiotics. [/url]

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Wash your hands with soap and water, in order to avoid bacterial infections and antibiotics.
[url=] Taking antibiotics, you increase the chances that bacteria in your body will be able to resist. [/url]
[url=] There are people that often have bacterial infections and in addition are allergic to antibiotics. [/url]
[url=] There is no antibiotic that will be suitable for everyone. Anyway you have to ask a doctor! [/url]

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Antibiotic-resistant germs may form when you take antibiotics without any necessity.
[url=] Do you know what can save peoples’ lives? It is antibiotics provided they are taken properly! [/url]
[url=] Nowadays there are many broad-spectrum antibiotics used for treatment of different diseases. [/url]
[url=] Antibiotics are powerful medications only in case if the infection you have is caused by bacteria. [/url]

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

It is always better to prevent some bacterial infection that to treat it with strong antibiotics.
[url=] Vaginal infections are easily treated with our super effective European antibiotics. Try out! [/url]
[url=] Many vaginal infections are caused by bacteria. And in this case you'd better have some drugs! [/url]
[url=] It’s not very clever of you to take medications without knowing its side effects and dosage! [/url]

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Don’t forget, bacteria become resistant more quickly when antibiotics are used too often.
[url=] The first antibiotic was discovered accidentally from a mold culture. It is called penicillin. [/url]
[url=] The best antibiotics that do not oppress your immune system are sold at half price this month! [/url]
[url=] Pneumonia – this word threatens everybody in the world! Learn how to protect your family! [/url]

2:52 PM  

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