Corporate Branding Forum Blog

På denne weblog publiceres indlæg og kommentarer om strategisk kommunikation og branding.


Best of web 2.0

Everyday new interesting and useful ”web 2.0” sites are drawn to my attention. But which are the best? Or rather, which websites have added value to my work, have assisted me in search for news and knowledge, are fun and entertaining, or have helped me share and develop my interests? These 10 websites are a sort of top 10 of best web 2.0 sites. How does you top 10 list looks like?

#1 Pageflakes
Collect “flakes” (like widgets or webparts) and feeds to get an overview on one page.

Collect, tag and share links for your favourite websites - works really nice with Firefox.

Find the cheapest price on hundreds of airlines and travel agencies to anywhere in

#4 Ratebeer
Find thousands of recommendations and ratings for thousands of different beers.

#5 YouTube
Follow the life of LonelyGirl 15 (who is really 19) or see Steve Ballmer scream and dance.

#6 Flickr
Store, find and share photos. Combine it with to make a nice screensaver or slide show.

#7 Wikipedia
What is
AJAX? How do you define branding? Why is it called wiki?

Recommend and rate bars, restaurants and places in
Copenhagen – and find out what your peers like.

#9 MySpace
Create a network of “friends”, get invitations to events, and be up-to-date with your favourite bands.

#10 Technorati
Find interesting weblogs by searching for sites or tags in this easy-to-use archive.

Many more websites are applying for a position among the 10 best. There are sites for blog- and wiki-software like Socialtext and WordPress, networking sites like Friendster, Facebook and LinkedIn, news sites like Digg and The Morning News, there is the American big brother of, I kind of like webtools sites like and Mashable, Yahoo and especially Yahoo Answers is nice, and of course the classic 2.0 sites Google, Amazon and eBay are still delivering …. What do you think?

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Do you wiki?

Et stigende antal virksomheder ser muligheder i at anvende wikis til ekstern eller intern udvikling af definitioner, strategier, værdigrundlag, planer, notater, manifester og meget mere. Og det er forståeligt. For det meste wiki-software er umådeligt let at anvende, ligesom wikis, som wiki-udbyderen PbWiki siger det, er lige så lette at oprette som at smøre en håndmad med peanutbutter. Desuden er de fleste wikis gratis at oprette og indeholder en række hjælpeværktøjer og distributions-services (fx RSS feeds).

Som med weblogs kan man næsten ikke starte uambitiøst nok. Ikke mindst når det drejer som om intern, fælles udvikling, er wikis et fantastisk værktøj til at dele viden i organisationen. Og erfaring og gode metoder udvikles gennem læring og afprøvning af de nye medier. Imidlertid kan det anbefales at tænke lidt mere strategisk, når det handler om at anvende såvel wikis som weblogs i den eksterne kommunikation. Det vender jeg tilbage til en anden gang.

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